2013 Lammy Awards


As most, or all of you will know, the 2013 Lammy Awards have entered their final stage. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support and interaction on Marked Movies and to those that were kind enough to vote for me in the submission stage. As a result, I’ve now made it to the nomination stage in my first full year of blogging and I can’t tell you all how happy and honoured I am to be considered amongst so many great sites. This would never have happened if it wasn’t for the warmth and encouragement from so many of you out there and for that I’m entirely grateful.

When the nominations were announced on the Lambcast and my beloved feature Tuesday’s Trivia Tidbits didn’t make the cut in Best Running Feature, I went through the 5 stages of grief…











I came to accept, when I realised that I had been included in the nominations for Best Reviewer (one which I didn’t expect at all) and for Best New Lamb. These are two very strong and reputable categories to be involved in and here’s hoping I can go that one step further when the winners are announced in May after the close of ballot on April 30th.


Not only would I like to thank everyone for their support but I’d also like to wish my fellow nominees the very best of luck. It’s an honour to be included amongst you all.



47 Responses to “2013 Lammy Awards”

  1. How cool is that?!? Congrats, Mark.


  2. Congratulations! To be nominated for best reviewer while you’re basically a new lamb (though it certainly doesn’t feel like it!) is no small feat. I wish you had been nominated for the tidbits as well. I vouched for you, but alas, it wasn’t enough.

    Best of luck in the finals!


    • Yeah, the Best Reviewer was a massive surprise Jessica. I can understand why you and many others are there but I could only hoped for that. Honestly didn’t expect to be part of that one. Thanks for all your support and the very best of luck to you too.


  3. Congrats, Mark! Very well-deserved nods. Hoping you take home at least one Lammy 🙂


  4. Hilarious dude! Love the post. I was certainly a backer of Tuesday Tidbits but I’m thrilled to see you get another nomination. Best of luck in the final stage my friend.


    • Haha! Thanks bro. It entirely true 😉
      You have been one of the biggest supporters of that feature and I appreciate it, man. Hey Ho! It wasn’t to be but I’m still glad of the two I got. Best of luck to you sir. Personally, I think you deserved more.


  5. LOL @ the five stages of denial. I’m going straight to Depression if I go 0-fer again. LOL

    Still, man, Best Reviewer is a nice consolation prize, no? 😀


    • LOL. I’d go straight to a creaky chair and a noose if I suffered what you did last year Fogs. Vastly unfair!

      As for Best Reviewer. That’s a massive consolation. I rate that alongside Best Blog (or just below). Ultimately, we deliver reviews in one way or another and to achieve that is high praise indeed. I’m under no illusions though, I won’t win that but a nom is good enough for me.


      • Cant go in with that defeatist attitude, man! Grab some publicity out of the deal regardless, one way or the other! Sell it! Work it! Get out there and WIN Rock!


      • LOL. Uh, ye know I don’ know, you know? I try to be da best I can be but der are guys out der bigger dan me, ye know? As long as Adriaaaaaane is beside me, I’ll give it my best shot Clubber. 😉


  6. Awesome, man. Congrats on the nominations. 🙂


  7. Congrats! These are both highly competitive category, and it’s awesome that got nominations in each area.


  8. Congrats on your nominations!


    • Thank you sir! I appreciate it. Are you considering entering the Lamb? You could be in my shoes, this time next year. 🙂


      • I’m planning on submitting soon. If I was, I’d definitely support Tuesday Trivia Tidbits for not only a nomination but a win.


      • Haha! I appreciate that. Now I know how certain actors feel when they get passed over for a nomination when they were clearly a favourite. DiCaprio and Django spring to mind. 😉


  9. You know we all love the tidbits Mark, I smell a cover up! 😉 hugely deserved nominations though mate, a real pleasure to be nominated alongside you.


  10. jackdeth72 Says:

    Congratulations, Mark!

    Well done.

    Descriptive photos, too.


    • Thanks Jack (I know that’s not your real name but I like it). 😉

      I’m happy to be involved this year. I just missed out last year and was envious of the Lammy buzz. It feels good to be part of it now. 🙂


  11. Congratulations!


  12. This recognition I can only dream of, top work Mark, a great first year for you, well done!


  13. Congrats dude, and whilst obviously I hope you finish disappointed, I would begrudgingly graciously lose to you 😉


  14. Congratulations!


  15. Congrats Mark. Best reviewer is a monster category, and you only ever get once chance at Best New Blog. Very cool to see.


    • Thanks a lot, man. I’m honoured to be included with so many great blogs. Congratulations to you too. You’ve done very well for yourself this year and I’ll make a point of stopping by your establishment more regularly. Best of luck. 🙂


  16. Congrats on your well deserved nominations.


  17. I’m sooo glad to see you’re up for Best Reviewer as you’re such a great writer Mark! Too bad your trivia post isn’t nominated but you know I’m a big fan! 😀


    • Thanks Ruth. I always seen myself as a lesser standard than other reviewers as I like to keep it fairly concise while other go more in-depth. That being said, I’ve had a few compliments over time. I suppose we can sometimes be our own harshest critic.

      It’s great to see you get the recognition you deserve too. It’s at times like these that you realise your doing not too badly at all, isn’t it?


  18. Congrats! Best of luck!


  19. Congratulations on the nominations, Mark! Best of luck in the final voting!


  20. Congrats on the nominations, Mark! Great stuff 😀


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