Blog’s 2nd Anniversary



January 6th, 2012… This was the day that I shared my love of film with all you other film fantastics out there and ventured into the world of blogging. It’s been quite an experience and one that I do not regret in the slightest… Two years down the line and I’m still at it.

And why?… Some of you may ask!

Well, the answer to that is simple… It’s just too much damn fun interacting and discussing movies with you guys.

Without your support and enthusiasm, Marked Movies would probably have folded a long time before now. So for that, I want to thank you all. As do, some of my favourite actor friends who recently joined me in celebration of my anniversary – (I took the photo, by the way)


Last year, on my blog’s 1st Anniversary, I gave a particular shout out to my Top Five commenters and I’d like to do the same again. They are:

#1: Ruth from FlixChatter
#2: Eric from The IPC
#3: Chris from Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop
#4: Tyson from Head In A Vice
#5: Keith from Keith & The Movies

I’m sure these great bloggers are familiar to you all but if, for some odd reason they’re not, please give them some of your love too. You won’t regret it.

It’s always nice to celebrate milestones in blogging as I think we’re all aware of how much of a commitment it can be and how much work we put in but, ultimately, the intention of these few humble words is to thank all of you!

For those that visit, like, follow, comment or share, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. It means a lot.
I may be driving this site, but it’s all of you, who keep the wheels oiled.

Much obliged my friends and here’s to another year ahead!!


80 Responses to “Blog’s 2nd Anniversary”

  1. Congratulations Mark! On to the next one!


  2. Happy anniversary, Mark. Looking forward to spending 2014 with you.


    • I’m looking forward to seeing what the next year brings, Luke. Each year has been different so far and I look forward to getting to know yourself that bit more too. Cheers mate!


  3. Congratulations, Mark!


  4. Happy Anniversary, Mark! Congratulations!

    I can’t believe you got to hang out with all of those actors on your second anniversary no less. How awesome! 🙂


  5. Happy anniversary Mark! Glad to be one of your top commenters and I look forward to commenting many times more over the next year. Keep up the top work my friend.


  6. Congrats Mark, here’s to another great year.


  7. Popcorn Nights Says:

    Happy Anniversary Mark, congrats on the achievement!


  8. Well happy second birthday! As I’ve told you I love your stuff! Always fun and very well written. Can’t wait to see what you have for us this year.


  9. Congrats Mark! Two years is no joke in the blogging world. Nice job!


    • Thanks a lot Dan! I hear you. Two years is quite a milestone. I’ve seen too many bloggers disappear before then. It looks like I might be in this for the long haul! 🙂


  10. Awesome. Congratulations, Mark! Here’s to many more years!


  11. Congrats Mark!


  12. Congrats, Mark! Looking forward to what you have in store for your readers 🙂


  13. BOAT DRINKS!!!!!!


  14. Awesome! Here’s to infinity more Mark!!


  15. That’s awesome! Congrats on bloganniversary 🙂


  16. Congrats Mark. Always enjoy enjoy your stuff!


  17. Happy Birthday Mark!


  18. I’m sure I would’ve got into your top five! Never mind. Happy Anniversary Mark; keep doing what you’re doing my friend 🙂


  19. Happy blogiversary! Many happy returns to you and your blog. Love what you do, so keep it coming 🙂


  20. Congrats Mark! You offer astounding movie criticism and always write with depth and poignancy. I look forward to what you have in store for the next year.


  21. Hell yea, man!


  22. Congratulations on reaching the two-year milestone, Mark!


    • Thanks Dan! I appreciate your stopping by, my friend. By the way, is there some way I can follow your site by email notification? It makes it easier for me to keep up with latest posts.


  23. Congrats my friend!! I’m so honored to be your top commenter and I’d shoot to remain #1 next year too, ha..ha.. It’s incredible what you’ve achieved in just two years. You are such a stellar writer and obviously multi-talented as well, looking forward to hearing more about your documentary project!

    Blessings to you and here’s to more great things in 2014, and beyond!


    • Can’t thank you enough, Ruth. You were #2 last year and rocketed to #1 this year. There’s no doubt that you’ve been my biggest supporter since I started and it’s comments like yours that keep the enthusiasm going.

      Thanks again, my friend and all the best for 2014. Let the blogging commence. 🙂


  24. Nice, congrats Mark! Keep it up! 😀


  25. I love your blog. Happy Anniversary, Mark!


  26. Congratulations, Mark!

    Exceptional work well executed in a most entertaining and informative manner.

    Also, a lot of fun!


  27. Happy 2nd Anniversary Mark 😀


  28. Ah congrats Mark! I totally agree that it is just way too much fun to sit and discuss movies with everyone! Keeps you hooked hey?! 😛


  29. I’ve been a crappy commenter lately, but once I get in shape again, your blog is top on mind to comment on. As you know we’ve got a shared taste of movies and I really love the way you write.
    Congratulations to keeping this up for two years – as a fellow blogger I know how hard it is. Anyone can start a blog. Very few will last this long. Best of luck in the future!



    • It’s absolutely fine Jessica. I know how hard it is to keep up with all the blogs that you follow. I struggle to comment on everyone’s all time but I’m trying to spread myself a little more this year. Thanks for the compliment though. I appreciate it. Too many good bloggers are disappearing because of the demand that it puts on you but I’m glad to still be around and to also see you keeping at it too. 🙂


  30. Congratulations!


  31. Congrats, Mark! Here’s to many more years!


  32. Congratulations! Exceptional work, as always.


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